The Sharp Family
Searching for our family history is a time-consuming task. It involves hours of research for each family member. How can you help? First, you can fill out the family history form and e-mail it to me, this will allow me to update our tree the current time. As babies are born, family members get married or pass away I will need this information in order to keep our records accurate.
As each year passes part of our history is lost forever. Think of all the history that was lost when Earl Sharp passed away. What was his mother like, did she ever do anything interesting. How did she meet her husband, did she fall in love at first sight or did it take time for her to discover that she was in love. Please help me keep these memories part of our history.
As an example, I remember Grandma Sharp (Marvis) telling me that when she was asked if she liked any of the Sharp boys she made the statement that of all of them Earl would be her last pick. So what happens she falls in love with Earl and they get married. She also told me a story of a date she went on with Earl. They had gone for a ride in a car and when they got back to her house they sat in the car and talked for hour’s eventually falling asleep. Much to her embarrassment, they awakened at dawn still in the car. Can you imagine how she explained that to her parents?