The Sharp Family

Amos V. Sharp​
Amos Villorie Sharp is not the ancestor that I was looking for however I am detailing his life because of the extreme mixture of information between him and my grandfather.
Amos Villorie Sharp was born April 24, 1832. His parents were John Sharp and Betsey E. Davis. He died June 16, 1912, in Ashland, Newaygo County Michigan. He is buried in the cemetery named Ashland Center, Grant, Newaygo, Michigan.
It seems that Amos moved to Michigan either before his first wife died or shortly after her death.
The next verification that I was able to find was the wedding of Amos and his second wife Laura E. Davis they were married on March 6, 1856, in Bronson, Branch, Michigan.

Amos Sharp and his 4 brothers
There were 5 brothers in the Amos V Sharp family. Francis, Simon, Milo, Amos, and James
The other Amos Sharp's family also had a total of 5 boys. Andrew, James, Amos, John, and Frank.
Frank was not in any family pictures as he took off out west and the family lost touch with him.
Simon, Milo, Francis (Frank), James, and Amos

The next verification I was able to find was an 1860 Census record from Newaygo, Ashland, Michigan. It lists Amos age 29 a Farmer, his wife Laura age 25 and a daughter Virginia age 9 months.
1860 US Census Michigan, Newaygo, Ashland

Sharp, Amos V Race: W Sex: M Age: 29 Relationship: Head
Sharp, Laura E. Race: W Sex: F Age: 25 Relationship: Wife
Sharp, Virginia Race: W Sex: F Age: 9/12 Relationship: Daughter
I also found the record on Find-A-Grave that shows that Virginia was born approx
October 2, 1859, and died Aug 27. 1864
They also had a daughter Sarah who was born approx April 10, 1862, and died Aug 21, 1864, just a few days before her sister Virginia died.
Not found on a census record but found on Find_A_Grave however on the same tombstone as the girls was a boy named Adlaska Sharp born December 22, 1857, and died at 8 months and 6 days old August 28, 1858

Adlaska Sharp
Birth: unknown
Death: 1858
Burial: Ashland Center CemeteryGrant, Newaygo County, Michigan, USA
Plot: Block A Lot #8 Grave #4
Memorial #: 7170682
Gravesite Details Son of A,. & L. Sharp
Created by: Debbie Jordan (46492685)
Added: 8 Feb 2003
URL: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/7170682/adlaska-sharp
Citation: Find A Grave, database, and images (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 22 November 2017), memorial page for Adlaska Sharp (unknown–1858), Find A Grave Memorial no. 7170682, citing Ashland Center Cemetery, Grant, Newaygo County, Michigan, USA ; Maintained by Debbie Jordan (contributor 46492685) .
Amos was discharged from the US Army in 1863: Please review military records below
In the 1870 Census from Newaygo, Ashland, Michigan is their youngest child a daughter named Jennie who was 4 years old at the time of the census.
1870 US Census Michigan, Newaygo, Ashland

Sharp, Amos V Race: W Sex: M Age: 39 Relationship: Head
Sharp, Laura E. Race: W Sex: F Age: 35 Relationship: Wife
Sharp, Jennie E. Race W Sex: F Age: 4 Relationship: Daughter
1880 US Federal Census Michigan, Newaygo Ashland

Sharp, Amos V Race: W Sex: M Age: 48 Relationship: Farmer
Sharp, Laura E. Race: W Sex: F Age: 46 Relationship: Wife
Sharp, Jennie E. Race W Sex: F Age: 15 Relationship: Daughter
The last verification of Jennie is in the 1880 census. I can find no concrete verification of her after this record.
1900 US Federal Census Michigan, Newaygo Ashland

Sharp, Amos V Race: W Sex: M Age: 66 Birth Month: April Birth Year 1834
Sharp, Laura E. Race: W Sex: F Age: 64 Birth Month: June Birth Year 1835
I have to wonder about the year of birth reported on this census. I believe Amos was born in 1932 and Laura was born in 1835
1910 US Census Michigan, Newaygo, Ashland

Sharp, Amos V Race: W Sex: M Age: 78 Relationship: Head
Sharp, Laura E. Race: W Sex: F Age: 75 Relationship: Wife
Amos V. Sharp died June 16, 1912, in Ashland Twp., Newaygo, Michigan

Below I have added some additional information that I found in reference to Amos V. Sharp
U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880 for Amos V Sharp
Michigan Agriculture 1870 Newaygo Ashland

Plot map of land owned by Amos V. Sharp in Newaygo Michigan

Civil War Pension Card for Amos V. Sharp and Laura Davis Sharp

This is a muster roll from the Civil War that shows that Amos V Sharp deserted from 145th Pennsylvania Infantry Company C on Feb. 14, 1864, from Washington DC. Image is dated May 31, 1863

Below is a record of the Civil War that shows that Amos V Sharp was discharged from 145th Pennsylvania Infantry Company C in June 1863, Image is dated during the month of June 1863

This the end of the information that I have at this time on Amos V. Sharp. I am working on finding information on his first wife Ellen Dial and her family.
If you want copies of any of the images on this site please just ask and I will email them to you.
Feel free to contact me using email
Gwen Sharp