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On this page I hope to provide information on the most common medical problems found in our family. I will attempt to use as accurate as possible information available. Using death certificates, family stories and  DNA I will attempt to let our family know of any problems that run in the family. If anyone in the family has had a DNA test done and is willing to share medical information it will be a big help. All names related to medical data will keep confidential. 


If you had your DNA test done by a company that does not provide the medical information you can upload your "Raw DNA" to the following site | | and receives a report for only five dollars. With this information when compared to others from the same family we should be able to identify any issues you may want to speak to your doctor about. All reports will remain private with no name associated with the test results.


The reason for the need to compare tests is the simple fact you are the product of two parents. When your test is compared with another relative or even better several relatives from the Sharp line you will be able to see what items are from the Sharp side and what is from your other parent.


Example of some common family medical problems known:


Spina Bifida (Children in at least 3 generations have been born with this condition)

Prostate Cancer


Gallbladder problems

Thyroid problems and cancer


This is just a few of the problems each family member should be made aware of if you know of any other issues common in the family please let me know so they can be added to the list.


Medical History for the Sharp Family

© 2014 by the Sharp Family. Proudly created with

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